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Yogic Encounters of the Best Kind

Yogic Encounters of the Best Kind

I hope that last month’s wellness column inspired you to take up some yoga. Now, you may wonder, “How can I get started?”

An important thing to keep in mind with any exercise is that one must know one’s limits and health. Don’t push yourself too hard right away; yoga is all about growth.

A good way to get started exercising is to make a plan. Yes, we are all at home, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t busy. Making a plan and setting goals will help you remember to make time for health. There are also a number of general health points to be aware of as exercise becomes more of a regular thing. First of all, staying hydrated. I am very bad with this; I always forget to drink water, but this is very important for healthy skin and body, stamina, and recovery. Another key point is eating a balanced diet. Healthy fats, balanced carbs, and good amounts of fruits and veggies are essential to help you perform at your best.

Warm-ups and cool-downs before and after a period of yoga are very important, even if they seem super extra. They help you recover quicker and decrease muscle soreness – which will make it easier to decide to exercise again. Staying motivated might not always be easy, but it is all worth it! 🧘🍎

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