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Yet More Easy Exercises to Do at Home

Yet More Easy Exercises to Do at Home

Sometimes, we can get quite stressed. Some days are just like that – so here’s an idea: why not de-stress and take care of your body? That’s where exercise comes in! Fitting a few minutes of exercise into your day can really be powerful and very healthy in the long run – as an added bonus, exercise is shown to improve mood. Even if you are a veteran exercise fan, trying these exercises can help you stretch your legs while at home! So what quick exercises can you do at home?

According to Elissa Huber-Anderson, a physical therapist at MGH, even just a few minutes of exercise should be preceded by a warm-up. She recommends walking around the house for two or three minutes before doing ten minutes of light aerobic activity. Some ideas: run or walk quickly up and down stairs (safety first! Know your own limits – or in my case, know your own clumsiness), dance, ride a stationary bike, or walk briskly around the house. Other ideas: try squats, heel raises, leg lifts, or even planks. Once finished with your exercise, stretch for a few minutes – reach down as far as you can to touch your toes, then slowly stand straight before reaching as high as you can toward the ceiling. It can be difficult at times, but taking a moment to exercise is important.

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