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Wellness In A Galaxy Far Far Away

Wellness In A Galaxy Far Far Away

Wellness In A Galaxy Far Far Away 

By Jaanu

Q: Why should you exercise?

A: Because no one wants to be Jabba the Hutt!

In all seriousness, there is much to be learned about wellness from Star Wars! For those who wonder what else we can learn, here is an exhaustive list:

  • The guiding principle in a Jedi’s life is balance; an understanding of the Force, a kind of meditative power, comes from understanding that one’s place in the world. Combining mental and physical wellness is clearly conducive to longevity in the Star Wars Jedi Master Yoda lived to age 900.
  • Pay your debts or get frozen in carbonite.
  • Do your stretching, or else, when called to rescue people/fight enemies/raise Baby Yoda, you will feel a great deal of pain.
  • Wear a helmet when racing anything (from various aircraft to bicycles).
  • Be situationally aware because anything can and will happen. In other words, be aware of your surroundings and of who and what is in them.
  • Always be a main character, or else you risk enemies from other star systems.
  • Storm troopers always miss.
  • Take care of yourself, because advanced Star Wars healing is unfortunately not a thing yet in our world 🛰

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