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Transitioning out of COVID-19

Transitioning out of COVID-19

Transitioning out of COVID-19        ~    By Jaanu

As mask mandates are removed and things begin to return to “normal”, we have many causes to be happy. For one thing, the devastating loss of life and livelihood of the past two years is coming to an end. It’s heartwarming to see people’s faces without masks again. It is also alarming. Though many activities have returned to pre-COVID status, being cautious is important. Experts are stressing the importance of being vaccinated. Be sure to take the small steps that you and your family feel are necessary to your staying well. According to the CDC, even fully vaccinated people should wear a mask indoors if in areas of “substantial or high transmission.” Even if you are vaccinated, you can still choose to wear a mask; pay close attention to reputable news sources and organizations like the CDC, FEMA, and other governmental sources of information to stay up to date with regulations. Watch out for symptoms of COVID and be sure to follow safety rules in public places. By doing our individual best to stay well and to be safe, we can transition as a global community to a safer, better time. ☮️

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