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Summer Skincare

Summer Skincare

Summer Skincare            – By Jaanu

After the dreary gray chill of winter, residents in the northern hemisphere often find themselves anticipating the vibrant green landscape and endless sunshine that accompanies summertime. But experiencing the flat, burning heat of summer is not at all unique to the northern countries alone. The sunshine is not always unpleasant – in fact, spending time outside in the sun can reduce stress and raise one’s Vitamin D levels. It is, however, important to protect one’s skin from dangerous ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun.


Clothing and Hats and Sunglasses. Wearing long pants and skirts, and shirts with sleeves whenever possible can directly protect skin from UV rays. Protect your scalp by wearing hats! Darker hats and darker clothes offer more UV protection. Baseball caps leave the neck and ears exposed, so remember the sunscreen when wearing these. Naturally, sun-glasses protect the eyes.

Sunscreen. Different sunscreens have different SPFs (sun protection factors). Using more environmentally friendly options is a good idea. The FDA has a list of approved options.

Shade. Spend more time in shade! 🏝

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