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On Twelve Months of Wellness

On Twelve Months of Wellness

On Twelve Months of Wellness

It has been one year since we discussed improving strength last January. On the cover of Spirit last January, we ushered in the year with the words, “New Year, New You!” Perhaps that is the case for some of us; for others, not so much. I’m sure we’ve all met some of our objectives – made some changes, strengthened some good habits – but other goals might still be on our To-Do lists. That’s a good thing, provided we embrace those goals constructively! But first, it’s important to look back – to consider the year in review in regard to wellness.

Our wellness depends on our interconnected identities. Consider the Wellness Wheel published by the University of New Hampshire. Physical wellness: are you taking care of your body? Intellectual wellness: are you nurturing your mind, exploring new challenges? How is your financial wellness? Are you living within your means, and learning to manage finances? Spiritual wellness: are you finding meaning, and staying true to your beliefs and values? Social wellness: are your personal relationships strong? What can you do to improve them? Environmental wellness: are you caring for your physical environment, and experiencing and stewarding the outdoor environment?

Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year! Share your views and opinions with Jaanu and our readers:!

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