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Mindfulness in the New Year

Mindfulness in the New Year

Mindfulness in the New Year – By Jaanu

I feel as if, just yesterday morning, I was waking up to snow outside the window on New Year’s Day, 2021. I sound like a broken record saying this, but time goes by so fast. This is exactly why it is so important to be mindful of the little things, the small daily blessings hard to notice.

In 2021, we came back to see classmates and teachers and coworkers. Some of us got to meet family. Some nights were long and some nights we went to sleep early. Some instances were glad, and some were not. In some moments we felt connected and in some we felt alone. 2021 is a year like any other year and then at the same time, it isn’t at all. It’s totally different. Sometimes I thought everything would pick up as we left it and COVID receded for good, and sometimes I felt as if the first wave was occurring again. Being mindful means acknowledging the good moments and using them to strengthen oneself during bad ones. Congratulations – we did it! Goodbye 2021!

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