How to Have a Healthy Head of Hair

How to Have a Healthy Head of Hair
An Alliterative Article
With the stress of the academic and fiscal year piling on, there’s little wonder that everyone’s shedding more hair than usual. But what are some ways to reduce the shedding and have thicker hair?
According to dermatologists at the Cleveland Clinic, application of antioxidants on the scalp might do the trick. In a study testing functional antioxidant application on the scalp of men and women, researchers found that study participants lost less hair when using hair washes with niacinamide, zinc carbonate, caffeine, and other “functional” groups than when using a placebo ordinary shampoo. Other ways to improve hair thickness?
Olive oil massage: Oil has long been used in Indian and ayurvedic medicine to promote thick hair. Olive oil in particular is rich in omega 3. Heat oil to body temperature and massage it into hair, before washing it off after half an hour, according to Medical News Today.
Proteins: Incorporating protein-heavy foods into the diet can promote hair health. Greek yogurt and nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc) are two good options.
Aloe: Aloe gel is a hair treatment that may promote overall scalp health and hair thickness, again according to Medical News Today. 🪴