Flee From Flu Season

Flee From Flu Season
By Jaanu
It’s a very cold time of the year, but it doesn’t have to be! Healthy habits practiced and applied can reduce the spread and impact of influenza and common cold.
Avoid close contact, especially when you or another person is sick. Keeping a distance during sickness can help others stay healthy. This also goes for staying home when you’re not feeling well, if possible. Rest is helpful for oneself, and staying home reduces risk of exposure for others.
Cover the mouth and nose. Sneeze or cough into a tissue that covers the mouth and nose. This prevents the spread of germs. Airborne droplets spread flu viruses, so covering the mouth and nose is important to prevent the spread of illness.
Clean hands! Wash hands often and well. Hand sanitizer is a good alternative when it isn’t possible to wash hands immediately. Soap and water is best when dealing with food, using the restroom, or treating a cut or injury. Hand sanitizer shouldn’t be used when hands are visibly dirty. Scrub hands for 20 seconds. Germs from unwashed hands can be transferred.
Good habits: get enough sleep, drink sufficient fluids, & eat healthy! ✅