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Finding Peace in A Stressful Day

Finding Peace in A Stressful Day

Finding Peace in A Stressful Day

By Jaanu

Stress can sometimes weigh like a brick you’re carrying around. The little fireman in my brain sometimes seems to be putting out fires all the time. One thing flares up, and another and another. He rushes to and fro, putting out a fire, stopping another from kindling into flames, using his fire extinguisher on this, on that. While that is a fact of life (things seldom how we expect them too), the little firemen can become overwhelmed. Sometimes the fireman wants to dive into a clear pool and just float there, alone, just looking at the sky; sometimes he wakes up ready to put some fires out! Achieving a balance is essential. Even the most interesting and exciting activity can become a stressful thing if you are unable to find little spaces of peace in the day.

I find peace through faith. Faith that we are only a little part of the world. That every little leaf and bird lives and works and struggles, and we do too. How else can we find peace? Focus on your breath. Pay attention to your breath. Inhale deeply and slowly, then exhale deeply and slowly. Repeat.

Avoid mindless activity, like surfing social media. According Dr. Carla Naumburg, author of blog Mindful Parenting, such sites can “rev up […] self-doubt and insecurities.”

I agree with Dr. Naumburg, and am of the opinion that finding peace in nature is what grounds me the most.

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