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Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

By Jaanu

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes Jack healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

I’ve probably heard this maxim a million times during my early years (and contemporary years) but it’s always inspired many a follow-up question.

Who is Jack? How does he accumulate wealth just by sleeping? Is it possible for me to do so as well? If so – well, the question changes to “Where is Jack?” and “How can I find him?”, doesn’t it? Going early to bed and rising early is conducive to good health and to productivity, but it can be difficult. What are some ways to develop these habits?

  • Establish a nighttime regimen. For example, meditate or take an evening bath. Perhaps, read every night, or listen to music/an audiobook. Keeping a set routine that calms and relaxes one can make sleeping easier. Establish these routines early to go to bed earlier too.
  • Journal each night. Just as an evening routine can calm one, journaling can help reduce stress and anxiety, as well as document progress and daily life. Journaling is excellent for personal development as well as an interesting hobby to develop.
  • Avoid using devices. Reducing blue light exposure can help you relax as well as go to sleep earlier. Research at the University of Tuebingen in Germany among others has shown that blue light exposure adversely affects production of sleep hormone melatonin. Experts suggest even leaving devices in other rooms.

Any sleep tips? Are you a morning bird or a night owl? Let us know @!

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