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Do or Do Not, There is No Try with Yoga

Do or Do Not, There is No Try with Yoga

With the advent of the academic year in the U.S. and with work schedules around the world picking up, it’s no surprise that studies from WHO and the CDC report the same thing: teenagers and adults are not getting enough exercise. It is very difficult to conscientiously carve out time from our schedules to exercise – whether that is working around sports practices or making time on your own to go to the gym or for a walk/run. Yoga, I think, might be the answer to our weekday woes. Yoga improves flexibility, mindfulness, and heartfulness – as an added bonus, Healthline reports that yoga students often make healthier food choices after practicing and crave fresh and unprocessed food. (Aside: the title is kind of a misnomer, because you do not need to go all or nothing with yoga; I just used the Yoda quote for the wordplay.) Certain types of yoga can help with calorie burning. If you want a better reason to take up yoga, know that yoga has been shown to improve sleep. Another pro is that yoga doesn’t require many materials or fancy, expensive gear or a huge time commitment – you can start with just a mat in your living room for 20 or 30 minutes. Interested in giving it a try? Try Youtube to find videos for yogis of all levels. But stay tuned – we will feature exercises here next month! 🧘☯️

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