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Boosting the Immune System

Boosting the Immune System

All Hands on Deck: Boosting the Immune System – By Jaanu

Perhaps as a benefit of mask-wearing, many people haven’t experienced seasonal colds in the past year. It is, after all, difficult to encounter germs with the additional protection of the mask. But what happens if we are exposed to germs?

Some scientists believe that the reduced exposure to common cold germs has left the immune system less prepared to fight off flu. But here are some tips to ensure that our immune systems are in prime fighting condition.

  • Avoid intoxicants – alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs are detrimental to immune system health.
  • Exercise regularly. Keeping the body physically fit is an important wellness goal.
  • Get enough sleep. The number of hours of sleep necessary varies from person to person but being well-rested is critical to being able to fight off illnesses.
  • Eat a diet high in fruit and vegetables. Eat the recommended daily intake of vitamin C and vitamin A. Some veggie/fruit options with high vitamin C/A concentrations include strawberry, orange, guava, mango, grapefruit, sweet potato, winter squash, and kale. (Thanks Fruit of the Month!).

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