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TOKYO Olympic Games

TOKYO Olympic Games

Tokyo Olympic Games 

Every four years, the entire world is brought together by one global athletic contest. Since the Greek games in the time of the ancients, sport has united people like nothing else has. Despite the devastation of the global pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics this year have gone onwards and upwards, showcasing a startling, awe-inspiring collection of talent from every country. It’s a testament to the incredible strength of these athletes, who have braved limitations in many forms to represent and bring honor to their home nations. But why should there be Olympic Games? Why must cities around the world host what is, in essence, just another game?

Sport is important to development of the mind and body, as President Theodore Roosevelt once said. The Games promote emphatic nationalistic pride; sport always unites an audience (even though opposing sides may have a source of competition). The Olympic Games are a part of history now, a tradition continued season after season, a global effort time after time to use sport to bridge divides. Great cities around the world are spotlighted by media on at least six continents. A renewed history of international cooperation, another source of national pride – the Games offer the world an opportunity to spectate with the best. It wasn’t always like this; a young French nobleman called Pierre de Coubertin organized an international coalition of athletes who competed in Athens hundreds of years after the original Greek games. The modern Olympics only began in 1896. I hope they continue to inspire and connect people around the world hundreds of years into the future. 🤝

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