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The Hunt For A Tree In A New World

The Hunt For A Tree In A New World

The feeling of Christmas-tree-finding in New England is like no other. I step out of the house, and the cold, crisp air swipes at my nose. Everyone is bundled into the car, and we take off to our usual Christmas Tree Farm (it’s already a tradition, albeit a new one). Ordinarily, the ground is coated with standard mid-December powdered sugar snow. We traipse around, admiring the varies species of evergreen, and after much debate, settle on the “perfect” one. Our hands tingle with the bitter cold by this point, but no one really minds.

This year, none of that happened. Our tree came from the local garden center, already cut, wrapped, and ready. There was no “hunt,” no trip to the farm, no post-tree-finding cocoa. But all the same, it was interesting experience. The tree came all the way from Canada; it’s journey was long enough the make up for the absence of ours! It’s the most fragrant balsam fir we’ve ever had; it’s not too short, or too tall. No one got scratched while they tied the tree to the roof of the car. Yes, it was different, but it’s temporary – and that makes it okay. 🙂

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