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Moments Of Divinity – A Reflection

Moments Of Divinity – A Reflection

Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s foremost consideration was to care for others, to show  love and understanding. He went out of his way to put others first; such an example set is inspiring especially because of the many responsibilities on his shoulders.

Particularly during the holiday season, we can appreciate how hectic travel can be. Pramukh Swami’s travel often lasted year-round; throughout his life, he visited 17,000 villages, cities, and towns, and sanctified 250,000 homes in India and around the world. His schedule was hectic, beginning at 5:30 AM daily and ending at around 1 AM. Pramukh Swami never let weariness prevent his vicharan. Even when taking the nirjala (waterless) fast, he stuck to the rigorous schedule of service.

He received many letters, full of people’s aspirations, fears, and questions. When Pramukh Swami had a few minutes to spare, whether waiting at a railway station or on a rickety bullock-cart, he would read letters and write responses using his letter pad. During his lifetime, Swami read and answered more than 750,000 letters.

“In the joy of others lies our own,” Pramukh Swami Maharaj would say. By his actions and the lives he touched, his message resounds throughout time. 

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