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Jaanu’s Interview with

Jaanu’s Interview with

It isn’t often that one meets someone who is kind, and thoughtful, and innovative all at once, but Ellie Zimmerman is one of those uniquely wonderful people. Most teens aren’t CEO of their own company by senior year of high school, but then Ellie isn’t most teens. She’s passionate about the environment and approves wholeheartedly of service learning. In fact, it was on a semester school trip to Chile that she was inspired to start her nonprofit organization: Interns 4-Good. Ellie is easy to talk to, and I’m chatting with her after one of the

regular Interns 4-Good leadership team meetings. She’s a good leader: someone who is easy to look up to and admire. She’s firm in a friendly way and makes good executive decisions. Ellie says she started Interns 4-Good because she knows how hard it can be for high school students to find opportunities to help with different things they are passionate about, but also because there are many nonprofits out there who need support from interns. Her organization helps with both needs. They provide high school students with opportunities to assist nonprofits; these projects are called 4-G Gigs. Ellie’s idea (originally dreamed up as she backpacked across Patagonia National Park) has come a long way. It wasn’t always easy, she admits, but her family and friends from her semester school gave her full support. She has both mentor and role model in her mother, a hardworking businesswoman. It runs in the family 🙂

So what’s her plan for the future of I4G? Possibly an app. “Interns 4- Good grew a lot through the Internet,” says Ellie, “Google helped a lot.” She hopes to try to make the I4G experience more streamlined for both prospective volunteers and nonprofits. Her goals as a person?

“Some kind of profession where I can help other people.”

Interns 4-Good responds to the community too; it’s rather a dynamic sort of undertaking. In response to the Covid-19 closings, Interns 4-Good is supporting students and educators with custom learning materials, 1-on-1 tutoring, and technology help. And now, I4G raises awareness and shares positive messages and art in support of BLM movement.

Among the many causes she advocates, Ellie feels most passionately about those that combat social inequality.

What does she do for fun? “I love to read,” says Ellie, “I

like listening to audiobooks and reading along with them.”

She’s also an environmentalist and a lover of the great outdoors. Hiking and working out are two things she’s fond of doing. Ellie Zimmerman is 100% an inspiration to us all. One thing she mentioned in our interview really rings true with her ideals: don’t give up, because even if it’s difficult, the impact you’ll make it worth it. We commend you for your achievements thus far, Ellie, and we can’t wait to see what else you’ll accomplish! #

To contact Ellie, or to become involved with Interns 4-Good, check out the website: Interns 4-Good

To hear more about the organization in Spirit, or to read more from this interview, email Jaanu at!

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