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How to identify your Signature Style

How to identify your Signature Style

Having a uniform is not always a bad thing. I mean, obviously school uniforms mean that you don’t need to choose clothes every morning, but before reading a certain Forever Amber article, I didn’t realize how cool having a personal uniform sort of is. Don’t believe me? How many times have you tried to decide on what to wear and felt at a complete loss? It’s not about being a fashionista or anything, you just don’t know which thing in your closet makes sense to wear. That’s where signature style comes in. You throw on something that is so you, and thereby save yourself the headache of a difficult plotting session. Or maybe it’s just me.  Anyway, here are some great tips on how to find your own signature style, so that your friends and family know what you like and can buy you the right things on holidays and on your birthday, and be saved the hassle of driving all the way back to the store just to return the random pants they purchased (haha, just kidding):

Number One: Examine your closet!

Forever Amber has some great specific tips, but examine your closet is the main point. I’ve linked her article at the bottom, so be sure to check it out! Anyway, take a good, hard look at your closet and ask yourself, “What do I like in here?” Answer honestly: what do you like and what will you wear? Maybe the honest answer is everything, and maybe it’s nothing! But by deciding what you like, you are one step closer to nailing that style down!

Number Two: Window Shop (or better yet, shop)

No, no, I’m kidding – don’t shop yet! You must start identifying pieces that are very much you. Lately, I’ve become attached to plaid shirts, denim, nautical stripes, and converses. Something tells me that one day I will regret publishing my clothing choices, but I wear that now with tentative pride. Point being, right now, I like very classic and preppy things. I dislike frills and puffy sleeves. Establish your taste clearly, and you should notice patterns. Perhaps you, like me, are an aspiring lumberjack (again, joking).

Number Three: Implement the Signature Style

This may or may not involve shopping, but now that you know what your style is (what kind of things you like) wear ‘em! If you are something like me, and your superficial tastes change frequently, avoid the shopping bit until you are on more solid footing. Don’t be shy, tell everyone what your Signature Style is if they can’t figure it out themselves!

Amber’s article: Signature Style!

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