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A Day In The Life : Yakutia

A Day In The Life : Yakutia

I find it incredibly fascinating to learn about how other people go about their days. This winter let’s travel from our homes, offices, and schools to the world’s coldest habitable destination: the Sakha Republic in Yakutia. Yakutia is the largest territorial region in the world, comprising of the northernmost parts of the Russian Federation.

How do you survive in the world’s coldest village? When villagers in Yakutia’s Sakha Republic wake up, they need to prepare water with which to wash and prepare food. It is so cold in Yakut territory, though, that water is frozen most of the time. Yakuts store water frozen as ice. In the morning, it is brought inside to melt. Yakuts need to wrap up well before going outdoors in weather can reach temperatures of -50˚C. Being outside in these conditions for more than 10 to 15 minutes can leave Yakuts feeling frostbite symptoms. Homes are thickly insulated, made of wood with oakum used to fill gaps. Yakuts are fishers and hunters as farming is difficult with the short warm season. From spring to autumn, many Yakuts eat fish. Ice fishing is very common, with rods and nets being most useful to maneuver under the thick Arctic ice. Most Yakut desserts are dairy-based – with dairy animals being hardy little creatures who can survive temperatures well below freezing. Yakutian horses can also brave the Arctic winters – up to temperatures of -70˚C.

Watch “One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth” on Youtube for more!

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