The slippery slope to Tiananmen Square

Contextualizing What Happened on January 4, 1989 By Navin As the People’s Republic of China entered the modern age, it was still operating by Mao Zedong’s Communist principles, on which it was founded. However, there was a nationwide shift in Chinese sentiment going into the 1970s and 1980s. The Chinese people felt that they were…

Friendship and Discovery

By Jaanu The people you surround yourself with shape you a great deal. They might inspire you, give you new ideas, or mentor you. Whether you realize it or not, associations play an enormous role in what ideas you develop and even what topics are on your mind. One vivid example of this phenomenon could…

TBIs are a Global Epidemic

TBIs are a Global Epidemic Jaanu Ramesh Each time I visit my uncle in the Indian megacity of Chennai, which is situated on the southeastern shore of the subcontinent, I come home with a completely muddled sense of traffic rules. Chennai is a densely populated metropolis – a major “driver of economic growth” in the…

Echo Chambers

If you haven’t seen Tim Urban’s incredible TED Talk about procrastination, you’ve got to go see it. Immediately. It’s the only acceptable way to procrastinate on your work because it’s a literal paradigm-shifter and also just a really fun watch. Anyway! He presents some interesting ideas about the concept of an echo chamber. Political and…

My First Semester At College

Speaking of scary things – I’m already nearly halfway through my first semester of college! Life seems to be moving surreally fast, even as each day feels very long. I really miss the comfort of family and home but am so grateful to have the chance to learn and grow in the incredible university setting.…

Project ECHO: Touching The Whole World

  When Dr. Sanjeev Arora created the “all teach, all learn” ECHO Model as a knowledge-sharing infrastructure to serve communities in New Mexico, he dreamed that someday, the world would feel the impact of the plan. Empowering local communities to access expert knowledge from where they live is an extremely powerful vision, and Dr. Arora…

Focusing with Music

Visit any college campus in America and I’m sure you’ll see dozens of students milling around with headphones or earbuds in. Enter a college library, and you’ll see an array of students typing or drawing still with their headphones on. All these students have a few things in common: they’ve got matching expressions of locked-in…

A History of Law

Occasionally, someone in my family tells me that I’d make a good lawyer. To be precise, this has only happened twice in my whole life, but my ego took a liking to comments like that. Pre-law students study a whole variety of subjects, from Anthropology and Egyptology to English and Government. Good lawyers are communicative,…

South India’s Geographical Diversity

South India in August tends to be blisteringly hot. Having primarily experienced life in the South Indian city of Chennai during the dog days of August, it was humid, sweaty heat that characterized the weather of the region. But the region has much more to offer, though the cities are incredible centers of industry and…

Air Travel in the 21st Century

The rapid pace of acceleration in the world of technology seemed to have missed the airplane which we were assigned. I felt goosebumps rising as I squeezed my backpack through the narrow aisles between rows of tightly packed seats. After an alarming event where a passenger was caught smoking on the aircraft, we were off!…

Wildlife Corridors

It’s raining heavily as I write this, but this rain only serves to make me appreciate the greenery better. As the climate changes rapidly with American cities (and for that matter, cities around the world), trees and green spaces become more important than ever; trees sequester carbon, and green spaces mitigate heat. An important factor…

First Light

While this author is no expert on space, said author finds joy in sharing newly learned facts about space, and this article is evidence of that very tendency! According to NASA, evidence of any form of life has never been discovered in space. Considering the hold aliens have on popular culture – from the Aliens…