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Yet More Superfoods: Lunch Edition

Yet More Superfoods: Lunch Edition

Last month, we went over three superfood ideas that you can start your day with: ginger, blueberries, and green tea! But you may be wondering, what is a superfood? What does ordinary food need to be considered a superfood? Antioxidants and beneficial compounds, for a start.

Salad, starring Kale or another DGLV: DGLV  means  dark green leafy vegetable. Bonus points if you add berries and nuts to the salad. Salads don’t need to be plain and icky – add berries and cheese, and things that’ll motivate you to have them!

Turmeric: Turmeric is a vibrant yellow spice originally from India; it looks sort of like ginger and tastes earthy and peppery. According to Healthline, turmeric may be effective against cancer, heart disease, and even helps with wound healing. Try turmeric in rice or in stir fry.

Avocado: Avocado is rich in healthy fat and full of nutrients! It’s been proven to contain anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce effects of chronic diseases. Eat it alone, with tomato and spices as guacamole, or incorporated in a salad.

What do you think? Should we talk about dinner options next?

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