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Why You Should Give Two Figs About Figs

Why You Should Give Two Figs About Figs

Why You Should Give Two Figs About Figs

Yet another fruit that I, personally, dislike: the humble fig. So rest assured that all benefits are genuine benefits, opinions aside 🙂 Figs (Ficus carica) are originally from the Mediterranean; they are violet, sometimes green, and “about the size of your thumb.”They are filled with many tiny seeds, and are known for being featured in Arabian Nights tales!

  • Figs are diet-friendly! They are nutrient-rich but low in calories.
  • Figs are fat-free, and one small fig contains 8 grams of carbs and 1 gram of fiber.
  • For hundreds of years, figs have been used as a home remedy for stomach
  • Figs have been shown to improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This in turn benefits vascular health and lowers heart disease.
  • Fig leaves have potential anticancer
  • Some studies suggest that figs have properties beneficial to skin health. A cream made from figs treated dermatitis in one study!

So now that you see how amazing figs are, where do you get them and how can you go about incorporating them into your diet? Fresh figs are best. Slice them up and add them to salads, or eat them plain. Fig jams and preserves go very well with toast. Fig leaves are edible as well, and fig leaf tea is a common specialty in some places. Warning: dried figs are very high in sugar content!

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