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That’s so Grape!

That’s so Grape!

Grapes – for me, the eternally “meh” fruit. I look at a bunch of grapes, and I’m not really that intrigued, you know? But…not anymore! Grapes are actually extremely healthy, and here’s why you should be adding these to your virtual shopping basket more often:

  • It’s surprising, but grapes are loaded with nutrients, especially vitamins C and K.
  • Three words: Lots. Of. Fiber.
  • Grapes have very high antioxidant levels, which I find generally a desirable trait in fruits.
  • Heart health? Say no more. Grapes have been proven through various studies to lower blood pressure. They also might help in reducing cholesterol levels.
  • If you’re not impressed yet, this point is the one for you. Grapes actually can aid in reducing blood sugar, even though they are pretty sweet. Studies show that grapes can lessen risk of diabetes.
  • Grapes contain the compounds lutein and zeaxanthin. These two compounds protect eyes from blue light damage. With all the time we spend in front of technology these days, this sounds like a win.
  • Is 2020 making you feel cranky? Worry not – grapes have been shown to improve mood, memory, and attention.

Yes, this is a pretty grape fruit we’re talking about J Eat grapes this month. 🍇🍇🍇

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