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Perhaps It’s Time for Persimmon?

Perhaps It’s Time for Persimmon?

First of all, let’s clarify that persimmons aren’t tomatoes. Yes, I know that tomatoes are fruit. Follow my logic here: I don’t like fruit on pizza; I like tomatoes on pizza; therefore tomatoes are not fruits. (Faulty logic, you say? Toh-may-toh, toh-mah-toh :)) Back to persimmons though: these originally Southeast Asian fruits are sweet and orange. There are hundreds of varieties of this tasty fruit, and most need to be fully ripe before being eaten. Ready to hear the health benefits?

  • Persimmon packs impressive nutrients in a small frame. A single persimmon contains 6 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, and 31 grams of carbs.
  • They are packed with flavonoids, carotenoids, and beta-carotene; all of which are antioxidants, which protect against a variety of diseases. Carotenoids are found in most bright fruits and veggies.
  • The flavonoids we just mentioned can protect and nurture heart health! Some acidic compounds in persimmons have also been found to lower blood pressure.
  • The quantity of vitamin C that persimmons contain helps to reduce inflammation.
  • Some of the antioxidants and the vitamin A in persimmons protects eye health and may help improve vision.

All in all, these very healthy fruits should definitely be added to your shopping list! Persimmons are also very easy to incorporate into your menu. The honey-like flavor of persimmons makes them extremely versatile in the kitchen and useful as a natural sweetener! 🍅

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