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Mandarin: Orange, not the Language

Mandarin: Orange, not the Language

Mandarin: Orange, not the Language

By Jaanu

 Mandarins, Citrus reticulata, sometimes also called as kid-glove oranges, have deep orange, easy-to-peel skin and separate into sections beautifully. Satsumas, tangerines, and clementines all belong to the extended mandarin family. Mandarins descended from the wild oranges that grew in India 3000 years ago. Now, they are grown all over southeast Asia, and are available around the world in all seasons! They are delightfully sweet and also loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

  • Beta -carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin (responsible for the orange color) also are antioxidants that reduce risk of cancer.
  • Mandarins are an excellent source of Vitamin C – a key nutrient for immune system function, healthy skin and healing wounds.
  • Mandarins are cholesterol-free and also help control blood pressure.
  • Along with potassium, they also contain calcium and magnesium which contribute to higher bone mineral density; stronger bones are less likely to break!

Eat mandarins alone, use them in salads, or put them in ice pops and tarts! Here’s to a healthy snack choice! Keep us posted if you enjoy these little healthy treats. Let us know at!

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