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Let’s Dis-Goose Gooseberry!

Let’s Dis-Goose Gooseberry!

Let’s Dis-Goose Gooseberry!

All About Amla/Gooseberry – by Jaanu

The name “gooseberry” might put you off, but this magnificent fruit isn’t just for the geese. Gooseberry, also called amla in India, is grown all around the world in different varieties. The fruit has been gathered and cultivated for many centuries for its many medicinal properties and uses. Gooseberry plants are typically very spiny and the berries themselves can be green, pale yellow, white, or even pink.

What are the aforementioned health benefits of eating amla?

  • Gooseberries are highly nutritious fruits, containing vitamin B5, B6, copper, potassium, manganese, and lots of vitamin C.
  • One cup of gooseberries contains seven grams of fiber but just 66 calories. They are very filling and aid in weight loss.
  • Gooseberries are rich in flavonols, antioxidants that have stroke-reducing and antiviral properties.
  • Organic acids housed in gooseberries reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Plus, they give the fruit a tart taste.
  • Too much iron in the body makes the brain vulnerable to degenerative diseases. Citric acid in gooseberries reduces iron in the brain and helps prevent such diseases if they (gooseberries) are eaten regularly.
  • Amla can reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream. Also, it works to reduce effects of bad heartburn.

You can eat amla raw or with a sprinkle of chili powder and salt. Gooseberries are a remarkably healthy fruit. Give them a try! 🙂

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