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Elderberry: Magic in More than Just Fairy Tales

Elderberry: Magic in More than Just Fairy Tales

Elderberry: Magic in More than Just Fairy Tales

By Jaanu

I think elderberries are probably the berries Hansel and Gretel ate to sustain themselves when they were lost in the forest prior to their discovery of the house made of gingerbread. There’s something a bit folkloric about elderberries, with good reason. Sometimes referred to as magical, the elderberry plant plays a significant role in immune support and beyond. Hippocrates often praised this plant as his “entire medicine chest”. Common varieties include Kent, Nova Scotia, and York. They grow leaves in compounds of 5 to 11, and clusters of white flowers that mature into tiny bright purple berries.

  • Elderberries have a high concentration of anthocyanins that work within the immune system to enhance body’s response to antigens and keep it functioning at its best.
  • Good source of phenolic acid – potent antioxidant that helps reduce damage from oxidative stress in the body
  • There is about 52 mg of Vitamin C in elderberries, and it is used in the treatment of flu and common cold.
  • Elderberries inhibit growth of harmful bacteria like Helicobacter pylori there by improving sinusitis and bronchitis.

Care should be taken with the consumption of these berries. Unripe berries can cause issues and toxins are removed by cooking.

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