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Can’t Do Without Cantaloupe!

Can’t Do Without Cantaloupe!

Can’t Do Without Cantaloupe!

By Jaanu

I’m going to have to approach this cantaloupe discussion with an open mind, because personally, I’m not a fan. However, these vivid orange fruits are so healthy that they might change my mind! Scientists guess that cantaloupes originated in Africa or South Asia. Though there is some confusion on the origin of these melons, there is no doubt that they are enormously beneficial to eat. Proof?

  • According to the USDA, cantaloupes actually have more beta-carotene than peaches, oranges, mangoes, and even grapefruits. This is pretty awesome: beta-carotene is a natural orange pigment and also an antioxidant that combats free radicals in the body.
  • One cup of cantaloupe contains more than the daily recommended value of vitamin C.
  • Water! Cantaloupes’ water content is over 90%, and eating cantaloupe is said to keep you hydrated all day.
  • Cantaloupes are high in fiber. High fiber diets help reduce risk of both diabetes and heart disease. Eating foods high in fiber is conducive to weight loss.
  • Potassium is a major player in cantaloupe. Other minerals and vitamins that cantaloupes contain include magnesium, copper, calcium, zinc, vitamin K, and phosphorous.

I don’t know about you, but I have to say I’m impressed. They’re low in calories and packed with nutrients – what more can one ask of a fruit? Interested in learning about particular fruits? Email us and let us know! Email:!

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