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The Most Sub-Lime Fruit

The Most Sub-Lime Fruit

The Most Sub-Lime Fruit – By Jaanu

People have known for many years and years that limes are extremely healthy fruits. Sailors, for instance, particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries, found that their recurring ailments of rashes, sores, aching fatigue, and bleeding in the gums were cured the more they ate limes. They deduced that the condition, called scurvy, was caused by a vitamin C deficiency; this they combated by drinking lime juice and eating citrus fruits. Limes are incredibly healthy in moderation because they serve a myriad of benefits.

  • Limes store a plentiful variety of antioxidants – which act as anti-carcinogenic agents because they combat free radicals, molecules that can damage cells and cause cancer.
  • Scurvy is not the only disease limes can prevent. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system by boosting white blood cell production. Thus, limes protect the body…and reduce the severity of infections and duration of colds and the ‘flu. Sounds like a win!
  • Limes are conducive to healthy skin! lead to A study in mice has led to the conjecture that drinking lime juice reduces wrinkles and aids in the production of collagen in the body.
  • Limes can reduce high blood pressure.
  • Keeping your vitamin C level just right significantly lowers the risk of kidney stones.
  • Eating citrus fruits can prevent iron deficiency.

Have we convinced you? What are your favorite lime recipes, and favorite fruits? Let us know at!

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