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The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry

There are not many movies or books that make me cry. Saving Private Ryan made my eyes a bit watery – but I did not cry. On My Honor (the book) made me sad, but again, no tears. The Little Prince did.  I love this movie – the animation beautiful and the storyline sweet, but so many important morals can be taken from the story. Fortunately, the moral has not been lost in translation. The aforementioned tears were due to a single scene but the plot makes up for it.

I rate this movie:       

I recommend this movie for all ages – the message of Le Petit Prince is something that remains poignant through different mediums because it rings true with everyone. It has elements of fiction within fiction but incorporates these elements so seamlessly into the plot that it is impossible not to believe. The characters were realistic and easy to like. The storyline was engaging throughout and I can’t say enough that this is the kind of movie that you’ll not forget.

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