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The Devil in the White City

The Devil in the White City

The Devil in the White City

Character Review by Jaanu

Daniel Burnham: What distinguishes ordinary from extraordinary? Just a little extra, right? Actually, Daniel Burnham, pictured, had to do quite a lot to make his mark on history. Burnham was the chief architect and the driving force behind the splendor of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, the Columbian Exposition. In an impossibly short span of time, he organized a team of some of the greatest architects of the era to create a dazzling White City. Burnham had drive and energy, patriotism and passion – enough spirit to build a fair worthy of the annals of history. Burnham is an inspiration.

H. Holmes: Holmes is America’s first serial killer. He is a psychopath. Personally, I felt very disturbed during Holmes’ chapters and much, much preferred Burnham’s, but I imagine the former’s chapters would be interesting to a psychologist. Both men were creative, but author Erik Larson shows how different choices can lead two very similar people down outrageously different paths.

This sometimes dark, riveting novel by Erik Larson is about Chicago at the turn of the century. Read it, if you dare! 

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