LUCA: A Sweet Trip to the Italian Coast

LUCA: A Sweet Trip to the Italian Coast – By Jaanu
You know how sometimes, you watch a movie, and then you sit back and think, Wow. Luca was one of those movies.
Luca is yet another work of art by Pixar. I’m not surprised, but pleasantly taken aback by the sheer brilliance of this animation. The story is sweet – the story of some kid friends, who also happen to be sea monsters, set in a picturesque seaside Italian town.
It’s an escape, and in times like these, that’s something we all need! I decided that this movie was indeed worth it because I felt afterwards that the 1 and a half hours spent on it were worth it. It’s probably not a movie that’ll change your life – but it might be one that makes you smile, and, for me, it was one that made me want to spend the afternoon. Pixar movies are special because they remind you to be a child, and to appreciate the little things. The fact that they’re perfectly cast and mind-blowingly animated is just an additional plus. In short, I recommend that you watch Luca. Unreservedly.