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1984: A Dystopia for the Age

1984: A Dystopia for the Age

1984: A Dystopia for the Age

By Jaanu

1984 – a classic masterpiece you must already be familiar with. A breathtakingly well-crafted masterpiece by the master artisan wordsmith George Orwell, 1984 is a beloved classic and standard reading choice in high school and college. My opinion of the book is extremely high. It is not the kind of book that the soul feels lighter for having read. It is not a book that makes you smile with happiness. But it is a very thought-provoking novel and that is just as good.

Orwell used 1984 as a defiant criticism of Stalin’s free-press-killing “evil empire.” His plan worked brilliantly well. Orwell is also very forward-thinking for his time. His prescience is remarkable.

WINSTON – Winston is the main character who feels the brunt of the plot. While I admire Orwell’s work especially for its symbolism, I question Winston’s behavior and struggle to pity him at first. If he suffers so much under futuristic Oceania’s oppressive regime, why is it that he doesn’t run away? Is there no country that borders Oceania? Why doesn’t he fight to escape or, actually, even try to survive? A brilliant book by George Orwell.

Curious? You should check it out.

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