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Two Tales of Two Tails – Part II

Two Tales of Two Tails – Part II

Two Tales of Two Tails from “Myths of the Cherokee” by James Mooney – Retold by Navin Part II

The rabbit is a clever creature, but very greedy. It has earned itself a name for being sly and mischievous through many deeds, and today, our tales will reveal to us the story of the time when it took out its anger on the poor old Possum.

Part 2: How the Rabbit Ruined the Possum’s Tail 

Last month, we read about when the Rabbit stole the Otter’s luxurious coat to try to trick the other animals. He was found out, and left in a hurry to avoid the angry mob. The Bear however, caught hold of the Rabbit’s long tail and pulled it out. To this day, Rabbit only has a small stump of a tail. He is still very sour about it.

Now, the Possum had a long and bushy tail. He brushed it every morning and sang about it every chance he got. He was very proud of his tail. The Rabbit was nearly driven mad with jealousy when he saw the Possum’s tail. There was going to be a large dance, and the Rabbit came up with a plan to trick the Possum.

Rabbit oversaw inviting everyone, and he made sure to go to the Possum’s house. When he asked, Possum said that he would come to the dance if there was a special seat for him, so his tail would be visible. The Rabbit agreed and said that he would send someone to help the Possum get ready for the dance.

On the morning of the dance, the Rabbit spoke to the Cricket. Cricket filled the woods with song every night, and the spikes on his legs were very sharp from being used as instruments. The Cricket, who was also mischievous, cackled and agreed to the Rabbit’s plan. He went to the Possum’s house.

That evening, all the animals looked on with expectance when it was the Possum’s turn to dance. The Possum removed the scarf that Cricket had tied to his tail to keep the fur smooth.

Or so he thought! While the Cricket was tying the scarf, he had used his sharp legs to cut all the fur off of he Possum’s tail. The Possum was ignorant of this. When he began his dance, all the animals laughed. Possum said “Look at my beautiful tail!” All the animals laughed even more uproariously. The Possum looked back at his tail, and was utterly shocked. He almost had a heart attack then and there, fell over, and bared his teeth. To this day, the Possum falls over helpless like this anytime he is taken by surprise.
As for the Rabbit, he moved on to other mischiefs, his green-eyed monster being satisfied.

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