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The Fourth Floor – A Short Story Part I

The Fourth Floor – A Short Story Part I

Mikey and Sid are planning to enjoy their study period (the last period of the day) by sitting in the third floor library. The library is known to have hot chocolate, coffee, and tea up for grabs. As they round the third landing and approach the door leading to the hallway, Mikey turns around and asks Sid, “Have you ever been to the fourth floor?”

“Uh, I don’t think so,” Sid replies, “I’m pretty sure it’s off limits for students.”

“No way,” ejaculates Mikey, “Why in the world would they build an entire floor, in a school and keep it off limits for kids?”

“I have no idea,” says Sid, “but why don’t we just go and take a look up there? We still have plenty of time left in this study period.”

The boys walk up the small set of stairs and push open the door to the fourth floor. They emerged in a warehouse-like room, with dim lights giving it a musty feel. There were rows and rows of shelves, all lined with cardboard boxes. The two boys tiptoe over to the closest row and open a box. It is filled with … PAPER! Mikey looks at it, then starts sifting through the box. “There’s no way that all of these boxes are filled with paper,” he says with a frown, “That would be a waste of our study.”

As the pair lift out some stacks of paper, they catch a glimpse of a bag of marshmallows. Surprised but pleased, Mikey pops one in his mouth and his eyes widen in shock. He yells, “HEY! These are Expensive Sam’s Gourmet American Marshmallows! I would recognize these anywhere!” The boys look at each other in surprise. Expensive Sam’s Gourmet American Marshmallows is a local company run by Expensive Sam himself. The marshmallows are extremely overpriced, but famous in the town. They stare in surprise at the label on the bag – Cheap Chuck’s Average Outlandish Marshmallows.

“Alright, boys, you got me,” says a new voice behind them. Mikey and Sid turn around and see a man wearing an apron covered in white powder. “Expensive Sam!”


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