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Jane and the Fire – Part XXV

Jane and the Fire – Part XXV

In 1958, young Jane has just moved to the city of Chicago, Illinois with her parents and cousins Billy. Uncle Wallace discovers by accident that Jane and her friends know more than they let on when he questions them. Once they reveal their story (but not all of it) to him, he confirms their suspicions by explaining that he is a private eye. He warns them to stay away from the Thugs and sends them off.


“I have followed these Thugs for years. I’ve met them all before and arrested one.”

“We know,” repeated the children. “We figured.”

“What you don’t know,” began Uncle Wallace triumphantly, before catching himself and glaring. “I’m not supposed to reveal details of ongoing investigations. All I can do is warn you and insist utterly that you stay away from Trouble. These are dangerous men.”

He sighed and waved them away. “Go on now! And again… be careful!”

Jane got up slowly, and the twins followed her down the shady park pathway. The hot afternoon sun warmed their backs and the faint July breeze wafted by, cooling their faces as they followed the well-traversed walkway out of the park. People still dotted the greens and birds hummed busily. They left Uncle Wallace still sitting on a park bench, among the oaks and dogwoods.

The afternoon was passing quickly, and the children split up and wended their homeward ways. Jane climbed the steps in her apartment building pensively. The afternoon was quiet and cool, and the stairs were deserted.

Suddenly, she heard a door crash. Mr. Peele stood in the hallway rifling through his briefcase. Jane froze. The only sound was the gentle fluttering of papers. As far as she knew, Mr. Peele hadn’t ever discovered who the trespassing children were.

She took a few steps forward, and Mr. Peele whirled his head around. He smiled vaguely and waved a hand, and then continued searching through his papers.

“Good afternoon,” said Jane.

She walked quickly past him and hurried on down the hallway.

She looked back at Mr. Peele one more time as the rustling stopped.

He was holding a what looked like a map or a blueprint up in front of him and squinting at it. It had a vivid crimson “X” marked on the lower left-hand side.

He pulled an apple, just as red, from his briefcase next. With a crunch, Mr. Peele munched on his apple, folded up his case, and disappeared from the landing.

Jane reached the door of the Joyces’ apartment. She had made her decision. She would be safe, but she was far too curious not to continue finding things out. The cat was out of the bag, and it was too far gone to bring back!

Mrs. Joyce and Billy the Elder were washing cups and wiping them. The littler Cousin Billy was playing with a puppy on the carpet.

Jane started. “Where’d you get that?”

“I found it!” said Billy cheerily. “His name is Tommy and I found him in an empty crate under the porch of that abandoned old house. He’s ours now!”

Read on next month to find out what happens next!

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