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Jane and the Fire – Part XV

Jane and the Fire – Part XV

In 1958, young Jane has just moved to the city of Chicago, Illinois with her parents and cousins Billy. Jane and her friends are running from the Three Thugs when they take a wrong turn down a gated alley. Is this the end? Or is there an escape in the picture?

“Get back out!” shouted Paige.

But it was too late. The heavy footfalls of the Thugs already were growing louder.

“How are they here already?” hissed Don. “We had such a lead!”

“Be quiet, Don!” snapped Paige, “We don’t have time! What do we do?”

“Quick!” cried Jane, “We can climb the fence!”

She clambered over the fence. Paige hurried over next.

“Don!” they cried, “hurry up! They’re coming!”

But before Don could climb over himself, the Thugs screeched to a halt in front of the alley. The girls looked at each other, eyes were wide with fear. Jane tried to communicate with Don via telepathy: Don’t say a word and don’t move! 

Paige had hurried to the end of the fence and peeked between the slats.

“I can’t see him! I don’t know what he’s doing!”

Just then, a spooky and withering voice could be heard past the fence.

They went thataway….”

“It’s Don!” hissed Paige. “What is he doing?”

“Er, what?” said Mr. Bennet’s voice nervously.

Three children…,” said Don. “Three running children entered my alley and ran out again…they went thataway…”

“Oh, I see. Thank you,” said Mr. Peele’s voice, which sounded afraid.

“Well, we’ll follow them now; goodbye!” That was Mr. Bennet. The girls heard the sound of footsteps receding. They waited a minute for full silence, and then hurried back over the fence.

Don was nowhere to be seen. The alleyway was empty, except for an empty barrel, a few scattered pieces of plywood, and a heap of rags covered by a sack.

Paige was running up and down the alley, looking distraught. “Where did he go?” she whispered.

Jane pointed to the sack. Paige hurried over and yanked the sack away. Under it sat Don – looking petrified.

“Oh, thank goodness,” said he, when he noticed that only Paige and Jane were standing there, “I thought the Thugs had come back!”

He stood up, dusting off his trousers as he spoke. “I avoided them by hiding under this, of course. Then I talked in an eerie way and scared them off. Pretty well done, eh?”

Jane nodded and Paige laughed. “Well done,” Jane whispered, “but careful, they might come back!”

Don was too drunk with success. “Did you see me?” he chuckled, “That was great!”

He had, however, sauntered too far out – just past the exit of the alleyway. They all heard a faraway shout. The Thugs had seen them! The chase was back on.

“Great job, Don,” wheezed Paige as they ran again. “Really clever!”

They hurtled down the main street and turned onto the wide avenue by the park. This time, they had enough of a lead to reach the Joyces’ house without being seen. They had escaped the Thugs. For now.

Have Jane and her friends been discovered? How will they find out what the Thugs are up to? Keep reading to find out.


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