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Jane and the Fire – Part VIII

Jane and the Fire – Part VIII

In 1958, young Jane has just moved to the city of Chicago, Illinois with her parents and cousins Billy. Jane followed Mr. Bennet and some other suspicious characters to a secret meeting they held in the park grove. When we last left Jane, she had just managed to escape any suspicion of her presence in the grove – Mr. Bennet had decided that he had really just seen a raccoon in the woods. Jane decides that she needs to pursue this mystery. 

Jane’s mind is on the mystery at hand. The Hungry Eagle, she mused. Good thing tomorrow is a Saturday. I’m going to The Hungry Eagle to find out what those people are up to.

She wakes early the next morning. It’s a bright and sunny Saturday, and to her delight, Jane sees the square outside the apartment packed with people. It is Market Day! Perfect for detective work, she thinks to herself, I can blend in with the crowd. Her good luck continues at breakfast.

“Jane,” says Mrs. Joyce, “You’ve been so good helping with the Billies lately. I shall be taking them shopping for produce with me today. Wouldn’t you like a little money and a chance to look around the different stalls in the square? It is Market Day, you know. And perhaps you shall make a friend.”

Jane is thrilled. This must be a sign, a sign from the higher powers that she should be a detective. She hurries out after breakfast. The square is packed with people, but she pushes her way through the crowd to The Hungry Eagle coffeeshop. She realizes for the first time that she doesn’t know at what time the goons are planning to meet. She hopes she isn’t too late, and hurries into the store. Fortunately, it’s almost empty, except for the staff, who are hurrying to prepare for the morning rush.

Jane decides that she cannot go inside now. Mr. Bennet and the goons will see every single person in the coffeeshop if they enter now, and she certainly won’t be able to spy if they can keep an eye on her. She crouches behind some bushes outside the shop, prepared to watch and wait. Jane feels invisible and smug. So far, so good, until…

“Hallo, Jane! What are you doing down there?”

Jane looks up with a frown to meet the matching smiles of Don and Paige Landry. Paige and Don are twins, her age. They attend Jane’s school.

“I’m incognito,” says Jane, “I’m spying on a dangerous gang.”

“Not from there you’re not,” says Don kindly.

“We could see you from two miles away, I bet,” added Paige.

Jane sits up, disconcerted. At that exact moment, she sees not one, but two parties approaching The Hungry Eagle! Mr. Bennet and Mr. Peale are coming from the direction of the apartment, and Mr. McCawley is sauntering over from the opposite side. Jane looks horrified.

“How can I hide and spy on people inside the coffeeshop?” she says out loud.

“Hey, we can help!” says Paige. “Yeah!” agrees Don. “Our parents own The Hungry Eagle. We can hide in the vent! Come on!”

Will Jane and her new friends find a hiding spot in time? Find out soon! Give us your feedback on Jane by emailing!

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