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Jane and the Fire – Part IX

Jane and the Fire – Part IX

In 1958, young Jane has just moved to the city of Chicago, Illinois with her parents and cousins Billy. When we last left Jane, she had made some new friends outside the local  coffeeshop. Jane needs to quickly find a hiding place to spy on the mysterious Mr. Bennet, and his friends. As those unsavory characters approach the coffeeshop, Jane scrambles to hide in time.

“How can I hide and spy on people inside the coffeeshop?” Jane says out loud.

“Hey, we can help!” says Paige. “Yeah!” agrees Don. “Our parents own The Hungry Eagle. We can hide in the vent! Come on!”

The three children hurry to the back of the store. Jane is pleased that the Landry twins have so quickly fallen in league with the mad situation. These are the right sort of comrades to have! They reach the backyard lot behind The Hungry Eagle, and Paige and Don quickly point out a large laundry vent above a set of trash cans. Fortunately, this area is minimally grimy. It seems that the outside of the shop is as neat and pretty as the inside.

“This vent leads right up to connect with an empty passage in the ceiling of The Hungry Eagle,” says Paige. “Thanks!” says Jane. She thinks for a moment, then adds, “I’m trying to get to the bottom of a mystery. Want to join?”

Paige and Don look delighted. “Yes!”

They all shake hands, then climb one after another into the laundry vent. It’s dark but in pretty good condition, as evidently the Landry’s frequent this vent, as Paige explains. Don adds sotto voce that the reason behind this practice is the utter boredom that accompanies many dull weekend days. They climb to a drafty loft area well-lit and well hidden from potential prying eyes below in the shop. The Three Thugs, as Jane has begun to refer to the shady characters, are in line for coffee. They’ve taken so long to arrive that there is a long queue before them. While the Thugs are waiting for their respective coffees and pastry, Jane catches her new colleagues up on all the developments so far.

“Weird,” says Paige, tapping her chin thoughtfully. Don looks equally intrigued, “Something’s definitely up.”

Jane nods. “I know! Who even arranges for meetings in the middle of dark, sketchy groves?”

“People with things to hide, that’s who,” says Don cheerfully, “And we’re going to uncover those secrets!”

“Shhhh!” whispers Paige, “They’re all sitting down!”

The Three Thugs have dropped into seats at a table in a quiet corner. The three children scoot slowly over to the corner in the ceiling vents. “Well,” says Mr. Bennet to Mr. McCawley, “I hear you brought the plans?”

Will Jane and her new friends be discovered? What plans are the Thugs discussing? Are dark dealings afoot? Read on to find out.

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