What Happened to Omelas? – A continuation

What Happened to Omelas? A Continuation of Ursula LeGuin’s Short Story… by Navin Salem was quiet. He had been quiet for the past three months. Since the moment he laid eyes on the child in the closet, he had not spoken a single word. His parents had tried to get him to open up, then…

Ritsurin Koen

By Megan  I watch my grandmother water her plants. She cares for them daily as though they’re her children. On cool mornings, she tucks them in a bit tighter in their soil. On warm mornings, she douses them in a bit of extra water. A variety of plants and fruit trees are scattered in her…

How the Raja’s Son Won the Princess Labam

How the Raja’s Son Won the Princess Labam An Indian Folk Tale, Retold by Navin Long, long ago, in a country, there was a Raja and a Rani. Their only son wanted to go hunting in the nearby forest. The Rani showed him the map and said to him, “You can hunt wherever you like…

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon It’s a descriptive masterpiece by Stephen King, the kind of book where you MUST know what happens next and keep reading until you find out. I devoured the book in one day. It’s my first and probably only Stephen King book- it’s likely among the mildest of his books…

A Spy Story

There were spies in the room. Everyone knew it. Everyone was on edge. They were all working slowly, checking over their shoulders. Assistant Chief Walker stood at the balcony overlooking the room. He didn’t like what he observed. The workers looked shifty, uncomfortable. Some looked up at the observation deck, wondering if there would be…


Dr. Wilton sighed deeply. “Jean, I won’t tell you again- you need to start putting more thought into your future! This can’t go on!” “I’m sure you’ll tell me again,” Jean replied, sourly. Dr. Wilton stood up. His usually neat gray hair stuck in numerous directions, and his expression was weary. “I simply don’t understand…

The Spider

It was a rainy October night, and I was on the way home from art school. The torrential rain pooled and ran by in rivers on the winding road. It was too dark to see clearly how much water saturated the street, except in flashes by the headlights of a rare passing car. My mom…

Brabo and the Giant Antigonus

Brabo and the Giant Antigonus Dutch Folktale Retold by Navin It all happened in Antwerp, the largest city in Belgium…. long, long, ago. At that time there lived a giant called Antigonus in a castle on the Scheldt River. His original name was something else! But when he heard of a Greek general with that…

Call it Instinct

Call it Instinct – A Short Story Hope surveyed the aisles of the convenience store critically. Maybe, she thought, walking from the cereals to the fridge, if the milk was closer to the cereals, people would buy both. Or they’d consider this store more of a place to run light grocery errands. “What do I…

The Six Take On India

The Six Take On India Inspired by a True Story, by Jaanu *Names may be fictitious! The trip began with my realizing that I had left my jacket at home. My family had just reached the airport for the most exciting month of our summer: a wedding in India! My sister’s nuptials were fast-approaching, and…