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Editorial October 2023

Editorial October 2023

Dear Readers,

Horror movies aren’t scary if you don’t watch them. That’s always been my October motto. But scares are one of the most enjoyable parts about the month of October. When the leaves fall quickly, changing vivid autumn’s landscape to the murky, shivery, sunless home of October, there is something very fitting about scary stories. Outside, the sky is chillingly gloomy, and the bare trees form dark and fearsome shapes. Probably for me the scariest thing about October was a pumpkin I once carved. I attempted what I considered an effective, simple carving of The Mandalorian from Star Wars. I carved and carved, thinking I was putting together quite a startling work of modern art. “Wow, nice!” said my family. “So, what’s that supposed to be?” Since they clearly did not see that the carving was The Mandalorian, I described my artistic process in detail. Unsurprisingly, my pumpkin  was no one’s favorite. I did not give up, though. I brought a picture of it to my teacher at school. I knew that, as a famed pumpkin-carver and person well-versed in Star Wars, he at least would appreciate my carving. Sadly, even he did not. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. This month and always, I encourage you to pursue your creativity! Do it for me!


Editor Jaanu 🎃

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