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Editorial October 2021

Editorial October 2021

Dear Readers,

Why do so many poets write that people are fickle? Fickle means “given to erratic changeableness.” Take for example Leo Tolstoy’s combination of war and peace. We’re studying the American Civil War at school, and it is glaringly obvious that the “war is fickle” theory holds true. The Civil War (one of the most awful calamities in American history) took many turns. A battle could be almost won – but then the almost-losing side could snatch up a pivotal hill – and this can be enough to knock the almost-winner into the tragic loss category. The chaos of war ends with a forced peace (a treaty). If you’ve ever seen Jurassic Park, the original movie, you might remember the mathematician’s discussion of chaos theory. Basically, we can predict that unpredictable things will happen – so the only thing we know for sure about the future is that unknown things will occur. Now, don’t worry – the chaos of this editor’s letter is meant for a reason. When our world is predictably chaotic, we can only accept that it will be so. I guess that fickleness, chaos, whatever you might call it – this is what keeps life interesting. Understanding this can lead to inner peace, right, Thoreau? As Jurassic Park tells us, life will find a way.

Sending love and cheer!

Editor Jaanu 🏜

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