Editorial November 2023

Like Helen Cresswell’s Daisy from the book Absolute Zero, unfortunately, I am a chef who Reconciles the Seemingly Disparate. As a child, I combined Marie Gold cookies and salty Laughing Cow Cheese (unsponsored) (yes it was a very bad combination). Fortunately, my adventures in culinary creativity didn’t end there. I tried to make lemonade – mixing water, sugar, and lemon juice from those lemon-shaped grocery store bottles. Despite the attempt (and failure), I continued- even baking cookies and macarons with some success during high school. Later, inspired by my brother and his friend Jake, I topped bagels with cream cheese and potatoes. The initially peculiar combination soon grew on me and became a hit at school. Combining food is a completely different story at home compared to at college. Breakfast is very similar every day at college, and to mix things up, I quite literally mixed things up. It began relatively simply, with orange-apple-guava-passion fruit juice. After a week, I found myself mixing morning vanilla yogurt and granola with watermelon pieces, and realized it was time to stop. The simple blessings, like homecooked food with love, are clear to appreciate when we’re away from them. While I’m still enjoying what I have at college, I’m incredibly grateful and give thanks for everything I have at home.
Editor Jaanu