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Editorial November 2021

Editorial November 2021

Dear Readers,

There is so much I want to say thank you for. So many kind actions that mean so much, that stay in my memory and that I appreciate. Now, together, I’d like to thank pandemic responders. Thank you, thank you, so much, from all of us. As weeks stretch into months which have stretched into years, we have all of us tired of the pandemic. I hear complaints all the time – we’re tired of wearing masks, of being afraid to give and receive handshakes and hugs, tired of missing family and friends and coworkers. Our doctors, nurses, hospital employees, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, grocery workers, researchers, mail carriers, and all the other frontline, first response and pandemic workers are tired too. I can hardly believe it has been two years since the start of the whole fiasco. We’re all tired – but our pandemic responders are still working. To our responders, especially those working day in and out still for the community – thank you so much. You can’t imagine how grateful we are. You are heroes to the community. Let’s keep being safe and prepared for the sake of these front-line heroes – wearing masks and following recommendations.


Editor Jaanu 🙏

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