Now Reading
Editorial Nov 2020

Editorial Nov 2020

Dear Readers,

It’s the month of gratefulness and my favorite part of the second half of the year! In a year where so much changed, we have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to hope for as well. I’m grateful for my family, near and far, who have always been there for me J I’m grateful for frontline heroes and masks. I’m grateful for religion which keeps me grounded. I’m grateful for friends who are just a text away. I’m grateful for books which always keep me company and for stories which take me far away from my New England home. I’m grateful for sunny days and snowy days and sometimes even rainy days. I’m grateful for my wonderful teachers who work so hard to impart knowledge to me and my peers even though the learning situation right now is so unstable. I’m grateful for art and music. I’m grateful for science which brings order to a very peculiar world. I’m grateful for democracy and freedom. I’m grateful for humor. I’m grateful for crisp mornings and the amazing smell of evergreen balsam fir, because nothing smells like a Christmas tree does outside. I’m grateful for the chance to say many heartfelt thank you’s. I’m especially grateful for our wonderful readers.

Editor Jaanu


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