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Editorial May 2022

Editorial May 2022

Dear Readers,

My teacher Sr. Prescille would often say that the best stories teach you something about yourself, or the world. The stories that you never forget are the ones that do both.

What strikes me most about George Lucas’ Star Wars is the imagination. When the series began, he started with Episode IV, in 1977. Beginning at the middle is unorthodox, but the creators of Star Wars took a risk as the characters they imagined would often do. A New Hope is a beautiful title. Star Wars is interesting to me because it is a world similar to ours in a galaxy “far, far away.” The stories inspire, imparting values of loyalty, hope, rebellion against evil, determination, persistence, balance, respect for oneself, others, and nature – captivating from a young age and teaching values and anecdotes that remain bright long after one  begins to grow up. Whether it is Luke, Leia, and Han Solo escaping from yet another impossible situation, or pilots for the Rebellion rushing to the rescue of their friends, the stories are full of hope and imagination. The Star Wars story has continued in a million directions since its inception, temporally and also spatially, but always reminding me that a story can accomplish a lot.


Editor Jaanu

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