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Editorial Mar 2021

Editorial Mar 2021

Dear Readers,

There’s a scene in the first of the Narnia books by C.S. Lewis that I always think of when Spring rolls around. You may need to (re)read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to understand this reference, but Edmund is walking down a forest path and begins hearing and seeing the first signs of Spring. The crocuses are blooming, the creek has thawed, and birds are singing. This Spring state-of-mind is not exclusive to those who have been held in Winter’s spell. Really, it’s the sense of renewal and self-revival that comes with the passing of time each year. Spring to me is a time to wake up and smell the coffee, to shake off dull fatigue and prepare for a few more months of heaviness before the lightness of June. This  month, let us try to make it a priority to appreciate nature and the beauty of the natural world more. It is sometimes too easy to immerse ourselves in a synthetic world and miss out on the beauty of such things as flowers and animals. Try to go outside and look at a tree – at the intricacy of the patterns on the bark, and the delicate efficiency of every leaf – and embrace Spring, wherever you are. It’s a mindset, not a season – a mind set for growth.

With love,

Editor Jaanu 🐆

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