Editorial June 2023

I love books. Yes, I know, that’s a kooky and boring sentence to begin a letter, but I do love books. I love bookstores. A night spent at Barnes and Noble is a Good One spent. Yes, I love other activities too, but reading has been a lifelong delight. This month, with the whole summer ahead of us to enjoy, I will share a few of my favorite ways to appreciate books. First of all – audiobooks. Every night I listen to audiobooks to fall asleep. At the risk of sounding like a bit of an oddball, audiobooks have a particular charm to them because you hear a book read as a story. The nuances of each individual’s perceptions of a book make the read different depending on who’s narrating. I also love to see movie interpretations (done well, of course). The Lord of the Rings trilogy is a wonderful take on the trilogy of books, in my view. It’s sometimes incredible to see the worlds you’ve visualized be imagined by someone else. But nothing can beat reading the book yourself. Anywhere I go, any mood I’m in, I can find a book to suit. It’s a great comfort to have that hobby – a real hobby that broadens horizons, bridge cultures, and that can be endlessly entertaining.
Editor Jaanu