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Editorial June 2021

Editorial June 2021

Dear Readers,

“Time flies,” is very possibly the tritest of all platitudes but…I’m going to say it anyway, sorry! 🙂  When I started high school, the phrase I heard most was “Enjoy it – it goes by so fast!” To my freshman self, this statement seemed exaggerated. Surely, time could not really be warped in such a way. But I’m here to say that this school year seemed to barely have started back in January – but now, I’m no longer a sophomore and we have completed month 6 out of 12. There is so much writing about time – its capriciousness, its malicious, ceaseless march onward – but reckoning with time in your own life still happens on your own terms. In other words, how you view time and what you do with it are both things I think you come to understand because of your own experiences. All the same, I’m hopeful when I think that we’ve still got half a year left – half a year that we can make into whatever we want. The world is finally recovering from the pandemic, right? In the meantime, there are causes to support, books to read, and change to facilitate within our own communities. And the summer is only begun. Have a wonderful summer, everyone! Stay well, safe, and hydrated!

With love,

Editor Jaanu


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