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Editorial Jun 2020

Editorial Jun 2020

Dear Readers,

I’m writing this from the porch and it is a very sunny day – the kind of sun that pierces through your head and makes your brain hot, but it isn’t unbearable because there is a wonderful refreshing breeze. Birds are singing, trees are waving in the wind, and this, this is the perfect summer day – the reason people put up with ridiculous Northeastern weather when weather anywhere else is far more predictable. School is out for the summer, but it’s not as much of a triumphant feeling as the end of school usually brings. Normally, one has the feeling of a year well-managed and over – we are moving on to the next grade! That satisfaction is almost tangible, but this year I’m just not feeling it.

However, Navin and I camped out in our backyard the other day to simulate the camping experience (to make this feel like an ordinary summer) and it worked very well, so my suggestion to anyone feeling acute end-of-year melancholia

is to spend time outside (with sunscreen!) so that you feel like it’s properly summer. Tell us what you are up to this summer – we always love to hear.


Editor Jaanu


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